I have been on the Daily Show’s teat, so to speak, for 11 years now. Yeah, I feel special because I have been watching it for a long time. I admit it. It is one of the few things that helps reinforce the reality that millions of people “get it,” which is hard to come by in small town South Carolina. But what intrigues me the most; not even intrigues, but rather, mystifies me, are the interviews.
How in the hell do they get the interviews?
Tonight, Steven Colbair, formerly of The Daily Show, interviewed this robust white guy. In the midst of the interview, he says: “So, you’re a member of the NAACP and of NOW. So, are you an African American, or are you an African American woman?”
The guy is befuddled. HOW do they get past these people. Seriously. How do they schedule the interviews without the gatekeeper figuring out that the interview is full satire? Are the interviewees along for the ride? It doesn’t ever seem to me that they are, but the joke is SOOO good, that I wonder. Once the reveal is made, how does one sustain the masquerade?
We should ask the woman who perfected the Faux Interview, Beth Littleford. Let’s give props where props are due. The first time I ever saw her on The Daily Show, I fell in love with her. This woman is fricking hilarious. Ms. Littleford, if you are reading, how do you get the interview? How?