It’s that time of year again; the time when we index the past year and assess where we’re at and where we’re heading. Most of 2008, I was concentrating on where I was heading, quite literally and physically. I’ve now arrived here in the Pacific Northwest, securing the place I’ve desired and the work I’ve desired, so it looks like, from where I’m sitting, at least, that 2009 will be about refining. Polishing the already beautiful gems I have and adoring them, taking extra care to appreciate their uniqueness.
Still in a slight state of transition with a whole new universe to discover, I want to make sure I listen more and talk less while I chart my path. For any of you who know me, this is BIG. I tend to “interject” while others are speaking, and trying to not do so is a challenge, but one I’m ready to take on.
I want to also learn the bass guitar, a la Kim Deal. Or maybe like Aston “Family Man” Barrett, of Bob Marley and the Wailers fame. Or George Porter, or Bootsie Collins – I wanna bring the funk, ya know? Or Mike Rutherford, for any of you Genesis fans…Or perhaps I’ll just spend 2009 trying to rack my brain to see how many bassists I can name. Besides Getty Lee.
Happy New Year!