Threads to the Past by Marty LeMessurier
While with my “in-laws-to-be” over Thanksgiving, I was introduced to this amazing gift idea by my “mom-in-law-to-be”. It is a book entitled The Story of a Lifetime, and it seems to me every member of every family should have one.
The book is substantial in size, nice and heavy, and will eventually contain the life story of the recipient, after s/he fills in all of the (nearly) 400 pages of questions.
Questions like:
What was your first year of marriage like?
How did your mother and father meet?
What were your dreams and goals during your first years of independence?
What does your ethnic and cultural background mean to you?
While this gift can be given to anyone of any age, it seems especially suited to relatives who are older, wiser, and have much to tell. I love honoring our elders’ experiences and stories in this way.