This is the mackeral David and I caught while in Florida over Thanksgiving. It’s been frozen since the day we caught it, and still tasted so fresh. I blackened it and finished it with some soy mustard sauce and a buerre blanc. Served with baked sweet potato and some blanched hericot vert almondine.
No points for plating, but the fact that I timed everything well was my goal. No Iron Chef just yet, either, but I’m working to refine. Bon Appetit!
This post is inspired by the ultra-talented and amazing Bohemian Girl. She is posting photo’s for the month of December, thereby taking one more “task” off her list in these busy times by eliminating the sometimes overwhelming feeling of needing to write a blog post. Funny, because I don’t have a job (she does), and this woman gets more done in a day than I do in a week. There are just those people in the world, nudging us to all stretch a little bit further…
Thanks, BG!