GNU stands for “Gnu’s Not UNIX” and is the genius behind what most of us know as the Linux operating system. For those of you who instantly turn away from conversation because it sounds too “techie”, hold on tight. This subject has more to do with a free society than an operating system. This philosophy is all new to me, because I am NOT informed in the “computer world.” Having first been exposed to Linux OS by overhearing my knowledgeable computer-geek friends, and then by the documentary Revolution OS, I have come to this conclusion:
The Free Software Foundation, begun by Richard Stallman, who quit his job at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab to further this revolutionary philosophy, is righteous.
Basically, the FSF supports the freedoms of speech, press, and association on the Internet, the right to use encryption software for private communication, and the right to write software unimpeded by private monopolies. I am still educating myself with the vast amount of information on this subject and how it directly appeals to the ideas entertaining citizen controlled (as opposed to corporate controlled) free societies. I would love to hear from those in the know to further my understanding.
May all information be free!