I discovered the Bohemian Girl on the “interwebs – that series of tubes” a couple of months ago. She had commented over at Nothing But Bonfires (yet ANOTHER fantastic woman-made blog/art) regarding music. It just so happened that I was thinking the same thing, and before you know it, an online friendship began. And I am better for it. Not only does BG speak the truth, her truth, and universal truths, but she is an artist living her dream and shining light by way of example.
And I am a bit blown away right now, because as we had agreed to trade some music mixes, I have JUST received – like, minutes ago – this bundle of joy that you see above, and it is wonderful and gorgeous. Just to touch the paper and see the artistic love that went into this…It definitely helps me to raise my own bar in how I ever send CD’s to anyone again, because not only did I get amazing compilations of music I know and love and much that I am soon to discover for the first time (oh, joy!) but handmade artwork to hold the treasures. Wow. Thank you, oh talented and generous Bohemian Girl. Rock on!