Ansel Adams – Farm Workers and Mt. Williamson, CA
If you care to play along, pretend that you have to answer 150 questions with one of the following choices:
“Neither Agree Nor Disagree”
Oh yeah, and also, pretend that you are involved in the beginning stages of an “interview” at a temp agency.
Please find that space within you that is both humbled and completely annoyed by having to fill out an “application”, even though you have worked your booty off over the last twelve years to alleviate the need for this task. Add to that your instructions to bring two copies of your resume, as well (redundant, huh?). Slap that smile on your face, breathe deep, and remember that this, too, shall pass.
Ready? Here are five of my most favorite, ACTUAL, questions that I answered last week.
1) People rarely comment on my good manners.
2) I like to say things that are witty and clever
3) I have never used swear words
4) It is all right to bend the law if you do not actually break it
5) I have never intentionally told a lie
How would you have answered? I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours…
One last thing, kind-hearted readers: do you like the new design?