Between climbing around the attics of newly built homes applying mastic to ductwork and performing blower door tests, and touring the warehouse of one exceptionally organized, design and environmentally conscious swedish furniture maker, I have not had time to write. But that is OK, because I have landed what is – today- my dream job.
It all started months ago, and if anyone is really keeping track besides me, it began when my friend Matt and I commiserated about the incompetence of our then employer a couple of years ago. He and I both parted ways with that employer, but thanks to a recent introduction he made for me, I now work for a conscientious and cool alternative energy provider. This type of entity is NOT an easy one to come by in these parts, and it was not even three years ago when my former employer looked at me like I had two heads when I mentioned differentiating ourselves from the rest of the market by implementing some green design. Apparently, the word “green” threw him.
Since last week, so many strange things have come full circle, reminding me that the universe works in complete and perfect ways. Like the first client I did a energy efficiency upgrade for last week. I know him. Met him last month at a campaign drive. And that former employer? Well, he just called our company because he wants to get their existing inventory “certified green.” The list goes on, but the story is the same. Do what you love, and the circles start to close. Then, you are inside of the circle, instead of trying to figure out how to jump into it from the outside.
And THIS story would not be complete unless I told you about solar Bill. He is the person that I work with in this market. He is my teacher, my mentor. He is an engineer, a former oceanographer, a hunter, a maker of musical instruments, a leader of kids’ and their science projects; he is better than MacGyver when it comes to his ability to re-purpose items to create astounding workable solutions, and he is humble and mellow and old-school and conscientious. They don’t make them like this anymore, and I could not have asked for a better person to show me the ropes and work with every day.
And as for the company, well, they are committed to solar, wind, and micro-hydro energy and in helping people get their homes to be more energy efficient. And they are smart, wonderful folk.
So here’s to landing a gig that has purpose, is fulfilling on many levels, and hopefully helps to make the world a better place while we earn our keep. My glass is held high. Cheers.