Image from The Funny Dogs
I have been completely, utterly, unabashedly in love with our canine comrades for as long as I can remember. I have had at least one dog, more like two, and a cat or two, since I was born, thanks to my mom and her love of providing needy animals a home. But now, in my adulthood, (as if this phenomonon has just happened or something…adulthood…HA) I am missing this important addition to the family.
I watch more Cesar, The Dog Whisperer and too closely follow the famous Dooce’s daily Chuck posts than a non-dog owner should be allowed. So I live vicariously, and it seems to be working for now.
My obsession met the final straw today, though, while taking a break from “the footballs”. I looked up from reading and realized that the hail-mary-hoping quarterback had suddenly become the extreme vertical dog champion, Flash. These dogs are amazing. (I guess they are called Dock Dogs). I couldn’t find the ESPN footage from today, but you have got to see this:
I am highly entertained by this. Like, a kid “laughing-until-milk-comes-pouring-out-of-the-nose” type of entertained. Then, a part of me feels bad for the dog. Like, awe, the poor things…having to jump through hoops and catch frisbees and swim and fly through the air like we dumb humans make them…it’s all so, well, entertaining.
Time for a dog, huh?