Seems like Eminem has been stocking up on courage lately. If you haven’t seen his new video, do yourself a favor and check it out.
Especially in these times, when speaking out against the establishment has come to mean that the propaganda machine will make you that unpatriotic commie traitor McCarthyism always warned you about, I applaud (in a rioutus kinda way…) Eminem’s courage. I imagine he has had a special agent or ten drop by for a visit, and that’s not my idea of a relaxing afternoon.
When acts like Brittany Spears sends the message to just “listen to the President, ‘cuz he IS the president and all,” (by the way…great advice. Thanks a bunch, dumb-ass) it is refreshing to have an artist with a voice use it in a more constructive way. And it reminds me that the revolution WILL be televised. Thanks, Eminem.