My husband turned me onto Chris Brogan years ago, and I have to admit that I didn’t pay all that much attention, even though Brogan is a new-media superstar and all. Seems that his 3-word meme is something of an annual activity, and Brogan describes it as a way to “turbo charge goal planning.â€
Once I set aside 5 minutes to give this enticing idea some more thought, #mythreewords are the ones that came to me instantly. I didn’t want to overthink it, and the words that came reinforces the idea that the answers to our questions reside within, especially as we connect ourselves to the rest of the universe by slowing down.
Also, I didn’t intend to employ alliteration…it just happened. And, I like it. Without further ado, “A†also stands for:
Abundant. My life IS filled with abundance, and I try to remind myself of this incredible reality at every turn throughout the day. I rest my head at night in a king-sized bed, with bamboo sheets, a dream partner and dream dog, warm in a dream house. I wake in the morning and take a luxurious hot shower, walk my dream dog and have views of Mt. Hood when it’s clear (and know that she’s there, bristling with fire, when it isn’t clear), french-press some of the world’s best coffee, and head to do work that I value. My spice rack is overflowing and I’m treated to fresh water and glorious food every day. Amazing music fills the air, and often with it, the most amazing friends a girl could ever ask for. It’s all I’ve ever wanted, and yet, I find the rabid conservationist in me struggles with having so much, as if it is wasteful and could somehow be made more efficient by giving it all away and not asking for any more.
So in 2013, I’d like to reconcile my strong belief in abundance, the very idea that there’s enough to go around for everyone to share in the riches, and my insatiable drive towards efficiency and the conservation of resources. I think the two are, actually, lovely partners.
Active. I grew up playing sports. I was dribbling a basketball by the time I was three, and played every sport I could get my hands on: having an older brother who was a star-athlete AND my hero, plus parents who were wholeheartedly committed to our interests, only helped.
But we age, and there often seems like there’s not enough time in the day, between work and school, reading and writing and cooking and caring for relationships, I’ve found it difficult to remain as active as I once was. Don’t get me wrong. I walk Lucy, the dream dog, every day, and take longer hikes with her on the weekends. David and I have introduced disc golf into our lives, which provides some more activity, but I feel like I need an ongoing physical practice, of sorts.
Along with activity in the physical sense, I also hope to become more socially active. If you know me, you know that I love people and am pretty darn social, but like all things, this, too, has changed a bit. We have a home that is our sanctuary, and after the hustle and bustle of a work (and school) week, there’s nothing I love to do more than hunker down to read, cook, and watch movies, next to the creatures I love the most. I aspire to push myself out of that (oh, so beautiful) comfort zone and connect more with friends – old and new – in 2013.
Actualize is just another word for focus, but once I realized I’d lose the alliteration, I kept the word actualize. It also happens to be a more active word than focus, and it is precisely what I want to do in 2013 and beyond.
My sweet husband often reminds me of all that I accomplish in a day, a month, and a year. And while it is difficult for us to recognize our own accomplishments as we’re in the midst of them, (perspective, anyone…? maybe a word for next year…), making our dreams real, especially the ones that remain in the forefront of our daily musings, is where we find the marrow. These dreams are what I will work towards actualizing in 2013.
What are your three words for this next year? I’d love to hear about them, as this navel gazing has gone on far too long now. Cheers to a fruitful 2013, y’all.