I have been searching for the perfect used Mercedes diesel for some time now, in hopes of converting it to run on SVO, or straight vegetable oil. It seems that even before the conversion, the diesel will perform better than its’ counterparts.
A new study by the Pardee Rand Graduate School, a non profit that researches public policy issues, finds that the “advanced diesel provides better performance and fuel economy for the price.”
Graham’s team calculated the individual and societal costs and benefits of conventional gasoline vehicles, gasoline-electric hybrids, high-tech diesels and flex-fuel vehicles burning E85 full time. Conclusion: Unless gasoline prices, averaging $3.10 a gallon now, rise above $4 and average $3.50 or more the next few years, or ethanol prices drop a lot, diesel’s the best overall solution; E85’s the worst.
At a time when ethanol organizations, together with GM and Ford, (both pro-ethanol entities and supporters of the Rand school), are ramping up promotion of ethanol fuels, this news is less than encouraging.
I like the closed loop approach of using “waste” to provide a new energy source. Watch out, fast food restaurants. Here I come, and I need your leftover vegetable oil.
via USA Today