Television degrades the human spirit. Yet, oh, how I love that mindless time on the couch, with nothing more to ponder than what one gets for the money on HGTV or where Mars Bars come from on the Food Network. Tonight, music by Elvis Costello’s “Artist’s Choice” mix and Cat Power are rounding out the evening, AFTER turning the tele off. I feel so much better than I usually do after hours of deadened surfing.
Which brings me to the the TV show I like the most. On Sunday’s at 11 PM, EST, The Independent Film Channel serves me something better than anything else the boob tube regurgitates, called “The Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman”. I robustly cackle as Laura Kightlinger, the shows writer, producer, and lead actress, comes crashing through my family room, throwing all of the formulaic sitcoms into the firepit and simply becoming fire itself.
Because I watch too much TV, I’ll leave it to LA Weekly for their original thought on the funniest, best written show out there;
“Kightlingers buoyantly cynical brand of comedy is somewhere between Sarah Silvermans bubblegum shock and Kathy Griffins devilish glee… when a TV comedy gives me the chance to laugh more at funny women than funny men, I’m onboard.”
UPDATE: I just found out that my favorite show is ALSO on at a more reasonable hour. Wednesday’s at 8PM, EST.