My other half and I are buying our first house. It rests on almost 1/2 an acre, with many pine trees in the front and tons of grass in the back. Our rotary mower may not be up to the task, and the backyard will probably be one of the first places we spend some (more) money. I’m thinkin’ Asian garden. I love the simple lines and natural materials of the “asian aesthetic”. So anciently modern. And green.
In my attempt at greening the house, I have seen first hand how difficult this can be without unlimited access and funds. Did you know that indoor air quality is often up to 3 times worse than outdoor air quality? This is due, in large part, to the paint and carpet of a dwelling. Fortunately, I have found a couple of great products and stores along the way, and for that, I am hopeful. Anna Sova, out of Dallas, Texas, provides all natural paint. And if you’re hungry and have spent the last of your dollars on this pricey alternative, you can eat it. For real.
(These are our paint colors; #1 – Entire Living Areas and Kitchen #2 – Accent Wall and over Fireplace #3 – Den #4 – Guest BR and Bath #5&6 – Our Bedroom and Bath)
On the carpet front, it is nearly impossible to trade in the highly toxic world of carpets for natural fibers or eco-friendly flooring without sacrificing ones life savings and comfort. For instance, we will be carpeting only the bedrooms, and having a sea grass, mountain grass or sisal on a bedroom floor just doesn’t cut it for me. I like soft on my feet, and although one of my heros offers that by way of his carpet tiles, one room would cost over $1200, $500 more per room than the berber we have picked. Of course, there is wool, but the cost is even more than the carpet tiles. What’s a tree-hugger to do? Suck it up and realize that this is not our last, but first home, and live with the toxicity that regular carpets lovingly provide.