Most of me wants to save my energy for more important matters, like breathing. This one, I can’t seem to shake, or allow to float on by with the rest of the atrocities in the river of outrage which I am nearly drowned by on a daily basis, thanks to the present administration our country has voted, er…allowed, into office.
Amnesty International has issued a report on U.S. “policy” in Guantanamo Bay and elsewhere, citing human rights abuses carried out by the United States and its military. Bush, Cheney, and the rest of the traveling circus have begun its smear campaign against one of the most respected human rights watch groups in the world. Respected so much that this same administration, who is presently denouncing the report as “absurd”, uses Amnesty reports to their advantage to further its own agenda against Cuba and China.
Worst of all, we accuse Amnesty of terrorist group affiliations. The neo-conservative Wall Street Journal stated that Amnesty’s latest accusations ”amount to pro-al Qaeda propaganda,” while the Bush/Cheney carnival infers that terrorists are using the agency as a means to spread their anti-American hate campaigns.
Are the people of this country truly going to snuggle up to this plate of bullshit like it is our Thanksgiving dinner, or our we collectively becoming suspect of an administration that outright lied to begin this war in the first place? Let me see…believe Amnesty International, an independent organization that has successfully worked to help human rights across the globe for over forty years, or the government that acts with an imperialistic psychology, which is presently at war, and is already guilty of atrocities at Abu Ghraib?
All I can do is laugh, but maybe what I need is a good, hard cry.