Welcome to March 9th, 2005 or the Official Dan Rather resignation day. Every time I turn the channel, new commentary appears regarding Dan Rather stepping down from his anchor position at CBS. I am about as interested in Dan Rather’s career as I am in who wins the next American Idol. What DOES interest me, however, is the coverage.
The memo which seemed to be an official document condemning Bush’s military service record which Rather used in a 60 Minutes report was a fake. Definitely something to scrutinize. What baffles me, though, is that NOBODY in the mainstream media ever thinks to discuss the actual subject of the report – Bush’s military service record. We all know he evaded his responsibility to show up for an entire year of active guard duty. I don’t think anyone can successfully deny that. (If your daddy was pres’dint and former director of the CIA, wouldn’t you be doing blow and drinking at Camp David instead of reporting for duty, as well?)
The fact that the Bush administration is so damn good at the media control game is what has me looking for land in New Zealand. They have been successful into turning Dubya’s spotty record into maligning Dan Rather’s entire career.
Dan Rather put it best when speaking about his biggest concern:
“That the American press as a whole will succumb to the undertow to be more docile, in some cases obsequious . . . to move in the middle, settle for mediocrity — one, in exchange for access, and two, out of fear that you’d be called a bad name, unpatriotic, or radical right or liberal. What I’m talking about here is the increasing danger of being intimidated.”