CBS evening news reports tonight that space is running out at Arlington National Cemetery. The two-minute segment, brought to you as a Memorial Day feature, focused on the sacrifices made by our dead American soldiers, with high honors bestowed as lots of Arlington dirt.
The Seed of Human Race by Yangzi Sima
To me, the field of over 260,000 white crosses represent valuable lives lost due to lies told and perpetuated in order to benefit the rich and make them richer. We should be considering WHY our space is running out at our national cemetery reserved for slain soldiers, instead of where we will place them 20 years from now when they will not have the option to share this sacrosanct dirt.
When war was honorable, as in, the leaders of nations were on the frontlines with the masses – white or black, educated or disenfranchised – perhaps a ceremonial plot in which to lay our dead together as one had more meaning. If we care to honor our young men and women today, best to not honor them to death.